Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Workin' on the Workshop

It's really happening.

The first full weekend in July, we are hosting a workshop in Stratford on the Law of Attraction. This will be the first, official workshop as organized by M&L Ideas & Co. In other words, this will be the first workshop that I will have had a hand in the organization and promotion of it!!

I feel pretty grown up. Most of the time, I still feel like a kid who is just kickin' around, not too sure what I'm doing, where I'm going. But being responsible for organizing the venue and food, all of the advertising and such, I feel like I'm finally ahead of myself, that I'm doing things right! I feel like a professional!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! That's a bit scary and exciting all in one!!

I worked out some free advertising with local media, such as with CTV on their 'What's On Where' board that they post both on the internet and run as commercial clips on their local stations, and I've even gotten a short time slot for an interview with the local radio station!! Pretty cool!! And of course, flyers posted like crazy around town and the surrounding areas. Let's not forget the typical paid ads in the newspaper too!!

The venue where we are hosting the workshop is at The Queen's Inn. I picked it mainly because the family that owns it is friends with one of my close friends. (And not to mention, the pub attached to the Inn has the best wings in the world. For real.) Anyway, it's this fabulous old inn, (take a peek at their site and you will agree!) that has that great Victorian feel to it. They have a couple different rooms available for functions such as ours, we have picked the Edinburgh room.


We have arranged for a feature guest speaker too!! One of my mom's associates, Anny Tenbult, who have been a Certified Power Coach for nearly a decade has agreed to come down and host the portion on the BrainWalk!! The BrainWalk is a power coaching tool that can be used with a coach or by yourself, it's pretty cool. It will be interesting for both my mom and I to see how someone else presents a workshop on the BrainWalk~variety is the spice of life!!

Well...I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that this is going to be a mad success next Saturday!! If you know where Stratford is, and you have got some time on July 7...come down to The Queen's Inn to find out how the Universal Laws affect your life and what you can do with them to make it better!! Just email me with any questions freshideasco at (you know the drill, I just don't want spammers!!)

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