Monday, April 23, 2007

A Secret of the Ages

The other weekend mum and I went to Toronto to attend a day long seminar based on The Secret. There were five motivational speakers (plus one very funny comedian as the host) who were fabulous motivational speakers in their own right.

Now I have to admit to you, I only had heard about The Secret, I was not fully aware of exactly what it was. I knew it was about something to help you make your life better; it was some sort of positive thinking guide, motivation smack dab in your face.

Now, mum took the notes, so forgive my rusty memory. However, my favourite speaker went by the name Lisa....her last name is now forgotten by me. (I should really work on my memory skills). She was fabulous. No other way to say it. Her main point was that if you believe you can achieve it, you can. You have to work towards your goals, but more importantly, you have to know where you are right now before you can get there. It's like you have a map of your life, but before you get to your destination~before you even hop in the car, you have to know your starting point. Know yourself, believe in yourself and be yourself. I really liked that.

The other four speakers were very good too. Though there was a focus on money a bit too much for my taste. It varied by the speaker. While one seemed to pass along the message that money = happiness, and happiness = money, another noted that happiness is found in all aspects of life ~ family, friends, career, health, financial gain. But the overall message was good. If you work hard, put yourself out there, and keep a positive perspective, it will come back to you. While it may not come back back in the way you hope, it will still come back.

I was raised by the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. I was also raised to be a positive person and have faith that life will all work itself out the way it is supposed to. To me, a lot of the things they said was just common sense. On one hand, I struggle to wonder why more people don't know this 'secret' of life, why it is not naturally ingrained in them. But then on the other hand, all I have to do is look around the room I sit in all day, and see how everyone is so busy busy busy with what is going on right then, that they don't take the time for their inner self, they don't take the time breathe, they don't take the time to achieve. And right there, I can understand why it takes someone standing on a stage saying these simple ideas to make them think about it, and make them want to apply it in their own lives.

While it doesn't seem there there would be much to unravel for us to find the secret in our lives, I guess in reality, it would take us all some time to find a good seat where we can examine what lies inside first. We can't all expect miracles overnight, but at least we can all find a happy thought everyday to help.

We all have to pick and choose what we hear and what we want to retain. It is like anything in life. While I may not have agreed with all that was being painted on the stage before me, if I took a step back to look at the bigger picture, and put that message in my heart, I felt like I had left that room with something special.

And that makes me smile.

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