Friday, July 27, 2007

Officially speaking, that is

Brainstorming with my mom is like standing in the middle of a thunderstorm. Ideas come crashing down, flickers of light brighten the darkened corners of your mind. Everything happens so fast that you have to find something solid to hold to, something to remember it all with.

Something like a pen and paper.

The downpour has stopped and the sun has peeked out--we can come out from cover and bask in the shine of the final plan of all those hours brainstorming.

We have officially come to our goal; we have a plan in order. We can now progress forward with all business plans and start making it happen.

We essentially have two businesses. M&L Ideas & Co, and Fastrac Coaching & Leadership. We registered as a numbered corporation with the Canadian government, and have placed in it these two businesses. Mom had already been using Fastrac as the name for her coaching business before all of this started. So she transferred it over to be ours. I will be joining my mom as a coach, I am starting courses in September to get my certification as a coach.

Our two businesses will work closely together and provide support for each other, though each one will provide unique services. Combined, our vision of the two is to provide assistance in personal and professional development; from the beginning, all the way to the end. We don't want to leave clients out on a lurch.

Fastrac will provide the Coaching aspect--you come to us with a problem or goal in mind, and we will help you through it and achieve those those goals. We will assist in self-empowerment. Once that goal is realised, and you need help to make those goals happen, M&L Ideas & Co will step in and carry it through. You want to start a new business? We'll help you with that, point you in the right direction, provide you with contacts who can do what needs to be done. Looking for a new job? We will help with resume building, bio scripts, we will help you market yourself. Is it something more personal you want to attain, such as fitness? We can even direct you there.

We still offer the workshops we had initially discussed in the beginnings of our brainstorming. We haven't lost that aspect. In fact, we saw a growth opportunity with and have introduced The Brain Walk Experience--smaller settings where we can comfortably teach people how to self coach using the Brain Walk.

And as time passes, other ideas will evolve, I'm sure. Who knows what else we will add to the plate! But now, officially speaking, we know what we are doing.

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