Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Queen called Edinburgh

Our workshop this past weekend in Stratford at the Queens' Inn was one of those hidden successes. While our attendance was not what we had hoped for, we still had an audience to work with. The nice thing about working with a smaller group was that the workshop took on a very cozy, very familiar atmosphere, and those who were there, seemed very comfortable to participate.

Mom and I learned a thing or two as well. The money we invested in advertising was not exactly returned to us~perhaps the medium is something for us to consider as not being our best avenue. We also learned that the smaller group was not only easy to work with, but that they also gave phenomenal responses on their evaluation forms.

So this led us to think....why not target small groups? In fact, why not target specific small groups. And rather than have workshops where we are drawing people from every which way, draw from circles of friends, from co-workers, from people who are content together as a group. Offer 'parties' to these people, and they can host them, they can invite their friends. Think of a Tupperware party, but make it a self coaching party. Make it a Brain Walk Party. And call it the Brain Walk Experience.

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